
  • Praises to our God by Jane Wairua

    We praise ooh Lord for you are good, we sing praise to your name, for that is pleasant.
    You have chosen us to be your own, we praise you
    You are greater than all gods
    You make clouds rise from the ends of the earth
    You sends lightning with the rain, thank you Lord for the rain we have received, quench our thirsty land,
    Remember the people of Marsabit, Garissa and all those that have no water, and no food. We praise you for what you are doing for them, bring out the wind from your storehouses and bless them
    Your name endures for ever, you are renown, Lord, through all generations, vindicate us and have compassion on us, your servants,
    All other gods are the works of men, they cannot walk on their own, they are carried around, they cannot speak, they cannot hear!
    We praise you oh Lord, we praise you ooh Lord!

  • Reflections 25th February 2022

    In todays reflections, let us praise God according to this Psalm 135 given to us yesterday. Let us praise God as we stand in His presence, in His courts to present our case,let us praise Him, for He is good and His love and mercy for us endures forever!
    Vs 4 let us praise Him as He has chosen us to praise Him. We are His treasured possession, let us praise the Lord!!!!
    Our God is great! Greater than any other gods! Let us praise Him. He is God over all, the sun, moon and stars are all under His control! My life and yours are in His hands! The peace and prosperity of Kenya and the world are regulated by Him! Praise the Lord!!!!
    He has fought for us individually and as a nation many times!!! Ooh praise His Holy name! He has averted catastrophe after catastrophe in our midst, your name Ooh Lord endures forever!!!
    Ooh people of Kenya, praise the Lord!!!!Ooh people of Australia and USA praise the Lord!!! Ooh people of the world praise the Lord!!!! Praise Him alone!!! For Him alone deserves our praise and adoration. Praise the Lord!!!!
    Walk today in praise!!!!

  • 24 reflections: Today we thank God for the Turkana people and The Borana’s.

    Acts 17:26

    And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their lands and territories.

    The Turkana peoples

    Today, Father, we thank you for our people, The Turkanas.

    According to the 2019 Kenyan census, Turkana number 1,016,174, or 2.14% of the Kenyan population, making the Turkana the third largest Nilotic ethnic group in Kenya, after the Kalenjin and the Luo, slightly more numerous than the Maasai, and the tenth largest ethnicity in all of Kenya.

    Lord, we bless you for these great warriors. According to history, the British had to use isolation and closure to their areas which led to marginalization and underdevelopment in the lead up to Kenya’s independence. They were a great kingdom before colonisation and are warriors from their culture and resisted colonialism quite a lot. 

    Lord, we thank you that you are restoring the people of Turkana to their former glory and hunger and isolation and want will be a thing of the past in their lives. 

    We thank you for the light of Christ is being shed to everyone of the people in Turkana so that they walk in your light. We are thanking you that you are breaking the spirit of poverty and want from the people of Turkana in the name of Jesus! You are causing rain to fall in their land once more Lord, you are filling their houses with songs and dance in the mighty name of Jesus! We prophecy increase and growth for the the Turkana Lord and we release your word over them, and we know it shall not return void without accomplishing the purpose for which you release it for.

    We ask Lord that you open the books and records of the people of Turkana and bring them to pass in Jesus Name!

    The Turkana are noted for raising camel, goats, donkeys, and weaving baskets. We bless the work of their hands Lord! We bless their animals, the Zebu cattle and the camels, cause them to increase abundantly in Jesus’ name! we bless their baskets and ask that you bring a market for this craft in Jesus’ name! Thank you, Lord, that you are turning around the fortunes of the people of Turkana as we bow down to bless them in the name of the Father, of the son and of the Holy Spirit!!! Raise up great men and women from the Turkana. Thank you, the Evangelists, in their midst, thank you for the Prophets, for the teachers and Pastors, for the apostles and Doctors, for great Businessmen, for Pilots and Policemen, for Farmers who feed their people, for great fishermen and sportsmen and women. Thank you that ALL their children will grow to old age and will do exploits in the nation of Kenya.

     Thank you for their sense of style and beauty. The Turkana people have elaborate clothing and adornment styles. Clothing is used to distinguish between age groups, development stages, occasions and status of individuals or groups in the Turkana community. Lord may they also excel in inner beauty. Let their inside resemble their outside in Jesus’ name!!!!! 

    The Borana People

    The Borana are Cushitic people, related to the Gabbra, Sakuye, and Rendille. They are nomadic pastoralists and are a subethnic section of the Oromo people who live in southern Ethiopia (Oromia) and northern Kenya. They speak a dialect of the Oromo.  They are herdsmen with a warrior tradition. Lord, we thank you so much for our people, The Borana’s. We thank you that they are getting to know you in large numbers, they are adorning their weapons of warfare of salvation, of the Word of God, of Truth and Peace and righteousness that comes through the blood of Jesus Christ!

    We thank you Lord for this attribute among the Borana- warfare against enemies is honoured and peace within the group is demanded. Lord you are calling us to stand against the wiles of the enemy in the name of Jesus and to live in peace with one another. This day we rejoice with our brothers the Borana that the plans of the enemy against our nation is scattered in Jesus name and Kenya is arising in victory with a beautiful song in the nation. A new song of worship is arising among us in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!!!!

    We thank you Lord that the Borana have a reputation for being easy-going and sociable. They value hospitality and almsgiving, especially to relatives and friends. Thank you for you are calling us to be our brother’s keeper and you have already ingrained this in our Borana people. We bless them this day in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Let increase and Gods’ Favour be with the Borana people this day.


  • Thank you Lord for the People Groups in Kenya


    Day 20 Reflections


    Understanding God by His names gives us an excellent source of hope, strength, and protection as we wait and exercise faith towards our needs. 

    The name of the LORD is a strong tower; The righteous runs to it and is safe and set on high, far above evil – Prov. 18:10 (AMP)

    The names of God reveal the character of God to us.So Today we will focus on Praising God through His names.

    1. Psalm 113:3 – From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised. 

    2. Psalm 29:2 – Ascribe to the Lord the glory due to His name. 

    3. Psalm 34:3 – Let us exalt His name together. 

    4. Psalm 48:10 – According to thy name, O God, so is thy praise. 

    5. Psalm 100:4- Give thanks to Him and praise His name. 

    6. Psalm 145:2 – I will praise you and extol your name forever.  

    7. Psalm 66:4 – They shall sing to thy name. 

    8. Psalm 8:1 – O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth.” 

    9. Psalm 72:19 – Blessed be His glorious name forever.

    We thank you Lord for you are:

    My El Shaddai – The All-sufficient God , when I have you ,I have everything that I need and for that I am Grateful.

    My El Elyon – The Most High God , who is far above everything else, yet so near that you indwell within us. What a mystery that I cannot fathom, yet if I could understand all of  YOU, YOU cease to be God.

    My Adonai – My Lord, and my Master, YOU alone I will worship, YOU alone I shall bow down to. Great is your faithfulness!

    Yahweh – The I AM that I AM . You are ALL and everything to us Lord and for that we sing a Halleluyah!!!!!!!!!

    Jehovah Nissi – The Lord My Banner, continue to shine in my life Lord, so that I only reflect you wherever I go.

    Jehovah-Raah – The Lord My Shepherd . You are my shepherd who

    Leads me in green pastures and thank you for all your provisions.

    Jehovah Rapha – The Lord That Heals us . You are my healer, my ever present help In times of need!

    Jehovah Shammah – The Lord that is always there for us , in good and bad times, you carry us in the palm of your hands and we are truly grateful for that.

    Jehovah Tsidkenu – The Lord my Righteousness, thank you Jesus for bestowing on us your righteousness, you paid all our debts even before we deserved it, you loved us when we were unlovable and we say…thank you Lord for that.

    Jehovah Mekoddishkem – The Lord Who Sanctifies me , thank you that the blood alone washes us, the blood alone speaks on our behalf, ooh the blood of Jesus, it washes white as snow. 

    El Olam – The Everlasting God , and there is none like you and there shall never be.

    Jehovah Jireh – The Lord that provides all my needs. Thank you Lord for all your provisions.

    Jehovah Shalom – the LORD that gives us peace . Your peace surpasses every human understanding. Your peace is not based on our environment, but is based on who you are in our lives and for that we say, Asante Yesu.

    Jehovah Sabaoth – The Lord of all the hosts in heaven and earth. You are Lord over all… how we love you , how we worship you and honour you above all! You are worthy of all our praise!!!!

    Thank you Father,thank you Holy Spirit, thank you Jesus, to you we bow down and worship.


    Day 16th February 2022

    Psalm 137:1-4 – By the rivers of Babylon,
    There we [captives] sat down and wept,
    When we remembered Zion [the city God imprinted on our hearts].On the willow trees in the midst of Babylon We hung our harps.For there they who took us captive demanded of us a song with words,
    And our tormentors [who made a mockery of us demanded] amusement, saying,
    “Sing us one of the songs of Zion.”How can we sing the Lord’s song In a strange and foreign land?

    We can be in situations where we don’t know why and how to praise God, like the captives in the verses above. How do we praise God when our souls are so downcast and we have no strength to praise Him at all?Our  hearts are so sad, and no joy can be found in our hearts? Would it be a pretence to worship at such times?

    The facts facing us are real pain and problems, and it is very difficult to shout a praise to God at such times.

     Psalm 34:1 tells us: “I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

    At ALL times means At ALL-times! Whether on a mountain top, or in the valley, I will bless the Lord! Even with the death of our loved ones , we still choose to say, That the Lord is sovereign and was not asleep when they died. He would have intervened if He wanted, but He allowed it to happen. And because I don’t understand why, We choose to bow down and worship Him. He gives life and the same life returns to Him, and we are not our own. We belong to Him, and hence will declare His praises to the very end.

    Are there any issues keeping you from praising God? Speak to them and tell them of the greatness of our God and declare, we shall bow down to no other, than Jehovah God, the maker of Heaven and earth. Him alone deserves our praise! Him alone deserves our honour! Him alone, is our God!!

    How do we maintain Praise in all circumstances?

    1. Our Hearts must be Fixed on God. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith. Let’s choose to fill our lives with His presence, as we lie down , as we arise and go by the day, let our focus be on Him and His goodness. Whatever we fix our eyes on, we grow in that area and eventually we become that. If only Christ comes from our mouths, we only listen to that which edifies and builds us, and only listen to His word and praise, we will eventually become like Him.
    2. Let us continually declare:The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? – Psalm 27:1. God is all I’ve got. I have no other person or place to turn to. I have no alternative.
    3. Lets remember any past victories and tell ourselves, the same God that came through then, He will come through now. Hence by faith, we give Him a sacrifice of Praise!!!!! Psalm 77:11 – I-will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.

    Thanks to: Okpara, Daniel C. .  book YADAH! 

  • We praise Him with a dance and tambourines

    We continue with our theme for this month to offer thanksgiving, praise and worship in All circumstances and in All situations for our country, let us remind ourselves

    Forms of praising God

    There are many and different ways to praise God..

    We praise him with a song psalms 149:1

    We praise Him by declaring His works psalms 150:2.
    What are His works in Kenya? Lord we praise you for this great nation, with great people,with fertile lands and fresh water lakes. We thank you for the mountains and the great Rift Valley, we thank you for the savanna’s where the animals roam freely,we thank you for the great 5, the lions, elephants, Rhinos, buffaloes 🦬 and all the animals that roam our lands and we coexist with them. Lord what a treasure you have placed in our midst and we thank you for these. Lord we thank you for the beautiful weather that we take for granted, sun for 365 days a year, this is your blessing Lord and we honour you for it.

    We praise you with a dance this day vs 4.

    We praise Him with instruments vs 3-5
    We praise Him with a shout psalms 100:1
    We praise Him with an offering
    Jeremiah 17:26 People will come from the towns of Judah and the villages around Jerusalem, from the territory of Benjamin and the western foothills, from the hill country and the Negev,(A) bringing burnt offerings and sacrifices, grain offerings and incense, and bringing thank offerings to the house of the Lord.

    Lord show each of us this month how to praise you with an offering and what type of offering .

    Let us Purpose today to praise Him in any of these ways and in any other way He brings to our attention and He will be honoured!!!!
    Praise Him our God!!!!!!

  • Praise Transforms us inside out:Praise is Transformational

    Day 14 reflections:
    John 4:23 – Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks.

    A heartfelt praise recognizes and declares the greatness of God over our lives.
    And that is the cure for pride.
    We are nothing without Him and will be nothing without Him. All we have He gave us, and all we will ever be, He will make us.

    We are not like the rich fool who prided himself in his achievements, yet he had no control of a single minute of his life….Luke 12:20:

    But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your soul is required of you; and now who will own all the things you have prepared?’

    Through praise, we declare our dependence on God and God alone.

    We praise Him when we are up, we praise Him when we are down.When we rend our voices up in praise, we are saying to God, “No matter what happens, I will trust and praise You.”

    An atmosphere of sincere worship and praise sickens the devil. He fears the power in the name of Jesus Christ and flees from the Lord’s habitation in praise.

    Psalm 50:23.
    He who sacrifices thanks offering honors me, and he prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God

    PRAISE PUSHES THE WORRIES OF THIS LIFE INTO THE BACKGROUND. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. – Phil 4:6-7

    PRAISE REMINDS US WHO GOD IS Psalm 75:1 – We proclaim how great you are and tell of the wonderful things you have done.

    How great thou art, How great thou art song

    Daniel 2:20 – God is wise and powerful! Praise him forever and ever

    Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him and bless His name – Psalm 100:4

  • February 6 2022 Reflections

    We worship you Lord for what You have taken us through.. our experiences give us the materials to worship you for You have taken us through very difficult times and for that we worship You.Our country has been at the verge of total destruction many times and you have protected us, and for that we bow down.

    Our nation has been at the verge of bankruptcy many times, and yet we are still standing, and for that we worship You.

    We sing a new song to you Lord for all the situations and circumstances You have carried us through. Even when we did not know that a new day would come, yet it did and for that we worship you.Even when our bodies have been so ravaged by sickness and diseases, but yet, you have carried us through. What a God we serve, who has carried us on eagles wings, You have been a very  ever present help in all our times of need. You are our strength and our song, You have drowned the attacks of the enemy and we rejoice at Your doings….

    You are God and only You alone we will worship this day. Lord we shall bow down to no other this day, we shall worship no other this day, only you alone we acknowledge this day.

    Hebrews 13:15 – By him, therefore, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.

    It i s good to worship God when He has blessed us with health, with wealth, with children and good jobs. He deserves praise when such beautiful things happen in our lives .

    This kind of praise, while very important and commanded, does not cost us anything. It is not a sacrifice of praise. It is an appreciation for what He has done.

    However, there are times when God has not come through for us the way we thought He would. The health tests come back positive.The loved one has died despite praying. The bills continue to pile up irrespective of prayers.

    We pray, confess sins, cry, wail, get hands laid on us ,but God seems to have traveled or gone to sleep.Sometimes our prayers come back hitting at you. Then the minutes turn to hours, then to days, then to months, then to years.

    At such times , praise is a SACRIFICE!!!! This requires a lot of effort on our part, a great faith to believe that despite the circumstances, God is still good and worthy of our praise and worship.

    We chose to say like Job

    “Though He slays me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him” (Job 13:15).

    To praise and worship God in the midst of the crises in our lives lifts us to another level in Him. It shows we do not worship Him for the goodies He gives us, but for who He is and like Shadrak, Meshak and Abedinego, we say:

    “Yes, we know that God will deliver us, but just in case He doesn’t, we’ll still trust Him and will never bow to your idols.”

    God is our all in all and nothing in this creation shall separate us from His love… not riches, not problems… we are unshakable in our worship of Him. Amen