Reflection’s 4th March 2022: The “clean heart principle”


1.The first step in praying Davidic prayer, “Create in me a clean heart, O God” (Psalm 51:10), is simply to realize that we need to pray it. Lord, I say Yes!!!! to you coming in and dealing with those things that stop me having a complete control of my life. I am all yours Lord, take me and mould me into a vessel that you will use for your own Glory. Lord, have mercy on me as you mould me, heal those deep areas that are so hurting.

2.The second step in asking God to create a clean heart in us is letting Him deal with what needs changing. We must surrender ALL to Jesus and be willing to repent of anything that He brings to our focus. Some things are so subtle, we may not realise, they are a sin, for example, our attitudes to certain people, love of wealth, worship of people and those that we perceive have made it, rejoicing at the challenges of others inwardly, envy, name it! May the Holy Spirit bring these things to light, and we be willing to say, Lord I am so sorry, I repent, I renounce and I turn around. No more entertaining these sins in my life!!! I will not be an enabler for satan in my life, he is my enemy!!

Knowing when to speak and when to be silent is part of the training of a good intercessor. When we let God strip those things out of our hearts that need changing, He will share with us the secrets that the kings speak in their chambers and entrust us to intercede for whole nations.

3. Third Principle to Clean heart is: letting Him clean up not only the sins of the heart but also the wounds of the heart. “See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many” (Hebrews 12:15 NIV 1984). Unless we let the Holy Spirit shine His light on all the unforgiveness in our lives, our prayers will be tainted by the wounds of our hearts. We must be willing to let go ALL and allow the light of God to illuminate in us. We have been wounded, you only know your story, and I know mine, and mine seems bigger than yours! We are ALL wounded in one way or another. BUT we cannot allow that woundedness to dictate the rest of our lives, we MUST lay it all at the ALTAR and ask the Lord to heal the deep wounds. Only HE can do this! Only the blood can wash away the wounds! Nothing BUT the blood of Jesus!!!!

We pray that we do not pray Amiss because of what seats in our hearts… let’s take the next 10 minutes and ask God to purge anything in me and in you that is not right with Him. Lord bring into our remembrance the pride and hurts in our hearts that are not from you.

We want to be like the psalmist who cries: “O LORD, You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off. . . . For there is not a word on my tongue, but behold, O LORD, You know it altogether” (Psalm 139:1–2, 4).

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