Reflections on 26th February 2022

As we start our three days of prayers and fasting to close sign off the month of February,we want to reflect on what the Lord gave us in January during our prayers and fasting time.

Here are the reminders:

From Naomi Murage

1.On the three days fasting for repentance I had a voice telling me that KNEELING DOWN IS A GREAT SIGN OF HUMILITY….Psalm 95:6

6 Come, let us bow down in worship,
let us kneel before the Lord our Maker;

I took time to read Ezekiel 4:4-8 where God is instructing Ezekiel to put the sins of the house of Israel upon himself by lying down on his left for 390days and 40 days on his right side. God even went to an extent of tying him down so he did not turn the other way round….

God wants us to put the sins of the nation upon ourselves and humble ourselves on our knees in repentance. We should be submissive to let him tie us down on our knees as we repent on behalf of our nation 

It was  impressed on Naomi that it is about humbling at the feet of Jesus!!! Total humility , dying to self and Christ becoming alive in us.

3.Naomi saw a vision of an Ox tied to a cart and it carried so much luggage. The luggage was so heavy and the ox couldn’t bare the burden  anymore and it knelt down. Then  a hand came and took away the heavy luggage and the ox was able to stand and continue.

4.The holy spirit instructed that we pray for the youth as they are filled with anger and bitterness.After praying for the youth  a long time, I had a dream.

In the dream I saw  woman from Akorino sect ( they wear white turbans) and she had a teenage son and as the son was taking a shower, she found out that the son was masturbating.she became very angry and began scolding the young man in kikuyu language.

She told the son ,some of this things you are doing seem to bring you pleasure but they will lead you to  the way of destruction .The mother then came and reported the boy to Naomi  who told the boy “you have to stop this behaviour”. Then the boy asked me,”how can i stop? Where do i start?” Then I asked him “how did you begin masturbating?” He told me he was taught and the dream ended as I was trying to explain that he must work hard to stop….

As Naomi was thinking about this dream in her mind, she was seeing children of believers who have worked hard to teach their children good morals but somehow the devil has managed to corrupt the minds of our children and made them addicts and slaves of sin.Deep inside the hearts of these young people they know its wrong to do whatever they are doing but they don’t know how to save themselves they are trapped in lust and  in all their dirty behaviours.

We must break these cycles in Jesus name!!! Our children’s sins have been paid for at the Cross and the lies from the enemy.. that it is too difficult to change, MUST STOP NOW!!!! In Jesus name!!!! THE YOUNG PEOPLE OF KENYA AND THE NATIONS are the future in this world AND MUST ARISE IN POWER AND FAITH AND BE ALL THE LORD HAS CALLED THEM TO BE!!! WE REFUSE TO REST UNTIL WE SEE OUR CHILDREN  ARISE AND RUN THE RACE SET BEFORE THEM IN FAITH!!!

5.Naomi saw herself preaching though she didn’t see the audience but she remember saying in swahili “SIKU HIZI WAMAMA WANAVAA UCHI?? Lord reveal to us what this means.

6. Loice dreamt being in a meeting and there was going to be a revival for young people. She was there with her daughter. Lord we believe that this revival among our young people is on its way and we repent of every sin that would prevent you pouring your spirit on our young people. Lord forgive us parents where we have not demonstrated your ways to them fully. Forgive our failure to speak about you as we wake and as we go to sleep. Forgive our desire of education and material things for our children above knowing you. Lord do not hold our sins on our young people. Forgive us Lord in Jesus name!!!

We have an emphasis on focus on the gifts of the Holy Spirit especially the Gift of Faith… what size is our God? Do we believe in a small God or an Almighty God!!! The maker of Heaven and earth? Let us walk in the promise whatever we ask in Faith, we receive In Jesus Name!!! We serve a big GOD!!!!

Mary heard .. Desert Isolation… and also she had a sense the Lord was saying… stay with me.::Focus on me!!!!! I am starting a new thing in your midst!!! Stay with me. What is a desert experience? We may perceive it in a negative way, BUT imagine what our Lord Jesus Christ achieved in the desert.Desert isolation is a place of intimacy with God, a time of Privacy and Isolation so that we can hear God clearly. Each one of us will have a desert isolation, at different times and when this takes place, let us embrace the season and grow into HIM, we get deeper in HIM an we become totally consumed with HIS grace and goodness and mercy, and He becomes our ALL IN ALL!!!!!!

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