24 reflections: Today we thank God for the Turkana people and The Borana’s.

Acts 17:26

And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their lands and territories.

The Turkana peoples

Today, Father, we thank you for our people, The Turkanas.

According to the 2019 Kenyan census, Turkana number 1,016,174, or 2.14% of the Kenyan population, making the Turkana the third largest Nilotic ethnic group in Kenya, after the Kalenjin and the Luo, slightly more numerous than the Maasai, and the tenth largest ethnicity in all of Kenya.

Lord, we bless you for these great warriors. According to history, the British had to use isolation and closure to their areas which led to marginalization and underdevelopment in the lead up to Kenya’s independence. They were a great kingdom before colonisation and are warriors from their culture and resisted colonialism quite a lot. 

Lord, we thank you that you are restoring the people of Turkana to their former glory and hunger and isolation and want will be a thing of the past in their lives. 

We thank you for the light of Christ is being shed to everyone of the people in Turkana so that they walk in your light. We are thanking you that you are breaking the spirit of poverty and want from the people of Turkana in the name of Jesus! You are causing rain to fall in their land once more Lord, you are filling their houses with songs and dance in the mighty name of Jesus! We prophecy increase and growth for the the Turkana Lord and we release your word over them, and we know it shall not return void without accomplishing the purpose for which you release it for.

We ask Lord that you open the books and records of the people of Turkana and bring them to pass in Jesus Name!

The Turkana are noted for raising camel, goats, donkeys, and weaving baskets. We bless the work of their hands Lord! We bless their animals, the Zebu cattle and the camels, cause them to increase abundantly in Jesus’ name! we bless their baskets and ask that you bring a market for this craft in Jesus’ name! Thank you, Lord, that you are turning around the fortunes of the people of Turkana as we bow down to bless them in the name of the Father, of the son and of the Holy Spirit!!! Raise up great men and women from the Turkana. Thank you, the Evangelists, in their midst, thank you for the Prophets, for the teachers and Pastors, for the apostles and Doctors, for great Businessmen, for Pilots and Policemen, for Farmers who feed their people, for great fishermen and sportsmen and women. Thank you that ALL their children will grow to old age and will do exploits in the nation of Kenya.

 Thank you for their sense of style and beauty. The Turkana people have elaborate clothing and adornment styles. Clothing is used to distinguish between age groups, development stages, occasions and status of individuals or groups in the Turkana community. Lord may they also excel in inner beauty. Let their inside resemble their outside in Jesus’ name!!!!! 

The Borana People

The Borana are Cushitic people, related to the Gabbra, Sakuye, and Rendille. They are nomadic pastoralists and are a subethnic section of the Oromo people who live in southern Ethiopia (Oromia) and northern Kenya. They speak a dialect of the Oromo.  They are herdsmen with a warrior tradition. Lord, we thank you so much for our people, The Borana’s. We thank you that they are getting to know you in large numbers, they are adorning their weapons of warfare of salvation, of the Word of God, of Truth and Peace and righteousness that comes through the blood of Jesus Christ!

We thank you Lord for this attribute among the Borana- warfare against enemies is honoured and peace within the group is demanded. Lord you are calling us to stand against the wiles of the enemy in the name of Jesus and to live in peace with one another. This day we rejoice with our brothers the Borana that the plans of the enemy against our nation is scattered in Jesus name and Kenya is arising in victory with a beautiful song in the nation. A new song of worship is arising among us in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!!!!

We thank you Lord that the Borana have a reputation for being easy-going and sociable. They value hospitality and almsgiving, especially to relatives and friends. Thank you for you are calling us to be our brother’s keeper and you have already ingrained this in our Borana people. We bless them this day in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Let increase and Gods’ Favour be with the Borana people this day.


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