February 6 2022 Reflections

We worship you Lord for what You have taken us through.. our experiences give us the materials to worship you for You have taken us through very difficult times and for that we worship You.Our country has been at the verge of total destruction many times and you have protected us, and for that we bow down.

Our nation has been at the verge of bankruptcy many times, and yet we are still standing, and for that we worship You.

We sing a new song to you Lord for all the situations and circumstances You have carried us through. Even when we did not know that a new day would come, yet it did and for that we worship you.Even when our bodies have been so ravaged by sickness and diseases, but yet, you have carried us through. What a God we serve, who has carried us on eagles wings, You have been a very  ever present help in all our times of need. You are our strength and our song, You have drowned the attacks of the enemy and we rejoice at Your doings….

You are God and only You alone we will worship this day. Lord we shall bow down to no other this day, we shall worship no other this day, only you alone we acknowledge this day.

Hebrews 13:15 – By him, therefore, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.

It i s good to worship God when He has blessed us with health, with wealth, with children and good jobs. He deserves praise when such beautiful things happen in our lives .

This kind of praise, while very important and commanded, does not cost us anything. It is not a sacrifice of praise. It is an appreciation for what He has done.

However, there are times when God has not come through for us the way we thought He would. The health tests come back positive.The loved one has died despite praying. The bills continue to pile up irrespective of prayers.

We pray, confess sins, cry, wail, get hands laid on us ,but God seems to have traveled or gone to sleep.Sometimes our prayers come back hitting at you. Then the minutes turn to hours, then to days, then to months, then to years.

At such times , praise is a SACRIFICE!!!! This requires a lot of effort on our part, a great faith to believe that despite the circumstances, God is still good and worthy of our praise and worship.

We chose to say like Job

“Though He slays me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him” (Job 13:15).

To praise and worship God in the midst of the crises in our lives lifts us to another level in Him. It shows we do not worship Him for the goodies He gives us, but for who He is and like Shadrak, Meshak and Abedinego, we say:

“Yes, we know that God will deliver us, but just in case He doesn’t, we’ll still trust Him and will never bow to your idols.”

God is our all in all and nothing in this creation shall separate us from His love… not riches, not problems… we are unshakable in our worship of Him. Amen

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